Most of the game consisted of cards played in turn, and this is where the game really got to have its fun.

If you’ve never heard of the game before, the sole goal is world domination. The copy was still in excellent, pretty much original condition and it was just the right amount of weird that made me buy it – for less than a dollar at the time. My first encounter with this game was in a Hospice charity store in Johannesburg more than ten years ago. If that doesn’t make you want to play it, what will? If we can make a general suggestion, how about an updated edition of this game with “X Celebrity Wins Election” as an updated card?

Tabloids have even blamed the game for predicting World War 3. It was first introduced in the year 1982 according to the official website for Steve Jackson Games, and it’s been the subject of plenty of hype, paranoia and controversy – which was kind of the point. Coyne © Gifts for Card Players Steve Jackson’s Illuminati can be considered one of the strangest, best and most original card and board games to ever hit the market.